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Community Consultation - St. Monica's development - 9/15

Tuesday, Sept. 15  7-9PM 

An invitation has been sent to the RRA neighbourhood to participate in a community consultation meeting for 40 & 44 Broadway Ave (St. Monica's Church site). The RRA is urging community members to join in this meeting since the development of this site will have a major effect on our neighbourhood and Broadway Ave in particular. Here is the link to the invitation: Community Consultation Meeting

The RRA Leadership Team met several times with the developer, the architect and the community engagement consultants. As you may know, this development proposes the construction of a new church and a 44-storey condo building immediately behind it. At the meetings, we expressed the following major concerns, among others:

  • The height of the tower is egregious (almost double anything else in the neighbourhood);

  • The density adds further stress to an overdeveloped community under siege from endless construction and inadequate infrastructure;

  • There is insufficient open, green space around the site - now more important than ever in a post COVID-19 city (note the constant use of the NTCI field that will be severely curtailed once school starts);

  • There is no offer of any community benefits to the immediate neighbourhood such as a park, a daycare or a community gathering space. 

Unfortunately, the developer made absolutely no changes to their proposal based on our concerns. Instead, they decided to submit their plan as is to LPAT (Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, which is the renaissance of the OMB) in the hopes that it will be approved without any changes. Here is the strongly worded letter we sent to the developers' representatives expressing our dismay.  RRA Letter to Collecdev re: St. Monica's We hope that you will join us at this online and phone-in meeting to express your concerns about this development and its lack of consideration for the thousands of people who live in our community.

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