St. Monica’s – 40-44 Broadway
The RRA was a participant in a three-day mediation process that led to a settlement regarding the proposed development at 40-44 Broadway. It is rare for a residents’ association to be invited to participate in such a meaningful manner. Associations can be ‘parties’ or ‘participants’ in a Local Appeal Planning Tribunal (LPAT) hearing but that usually involves paying for legal advice and/or other expert guidance. We were invited to take part in the mediation process even though we only had 'participant' status. Typically, only those with 'party' status can participate in this way. The mediation process is intended to result in a settlement thus avoiding a potentially contentious, lengthy and costly hearing.
In addition to the RRA, the mediation process included the City of Toronto (legal and planning staff), the developer (Collecdev Inc.) and the Archdiocese of Toronto, all of whom had to agree on our participation, to which they did graciously. We were able to use the existing volunteer human resources of the RRA (legal and engineering expertise) so we did not need to hire outside consultants.
The community had many concerns about this development including:
· The height and density of the proposed 44-storey tower
· The church design which extended right to the sidewalk
· The lack of dedicated, public green space
· Additional, overflow traffic – both vehicular and pedestrian
After the Province’s rejection of the Midtown in Focus Plan, as approved by the City, when developers pursue a hearing at LPAT they are very likely to have their plans approved as proposed. With this in mind, the RRA was eager to participate in a potential settlement rather than pursue the improbable scenario of trying to change the plans at a hearing.
The settlement that we agreed to, regarding 40-44 Broadway, along with the City’s exceptional support, is as follows:
· Reduction of the height of the tower from 138.51 metres to 125.45 metres (including mechanical equipment). This is significantly lower than the already approved 135 metre height at the 55-65 Broadway development (including mechanical).
· Reduction in the number of storeys from 44 to 39.
· Reduction in the number of dwelling units from 398 to 376.
· A new public parkette in front of the church.
· A significant movement of the church back towards the tower and away from the sidewalk.
· A public dog relief space on the east side of the property.
· The movement of the residential entrance further north and closer to the tower.
· The addition of a turnaround in the driveway to discourage parking on Broadway for pick-ups and deliveries.
This settlement was adopted at City Council on May 5. We have been assured that we will be involved in the design of the parkette and in the complex construction management process which will be a long and significant engagement. In all, the RRA was pleased with the outcome and hope that we have a set a tone for future involvement in similar discussions with developers and the City in our neighbourhood.
37 storeys; 349 rental units;
Building structure completion scheduled for mid-March 2021;
Facade work (windows and precast) scheduled for completion in summer 2021;
Streetscaping scheduled for Q3 2021;
Tower crane removal - mid-May 2021;
Occupancy scheduled for Q4 2021;
The RRA worked with the developer and the City on construction management. Since there was a delay in submitting the construction management plan to the City the RRA was invited late to the game. At the most recent meeting with the City and the developer we stressed the importance of cleaning and keeping the sidewalks accessible.
75 Broadway
38-storey rental tower replacing the western half of the existing 10-storey apartment building; 336 rental units;
The development has been approved. The RRA reviewed the Construction Management Plan which is being reviewed by City;
Issues raised here were addressed in the Construction Management presentation that the RRA did in March 2021.
This development is way behind in their demolitions schedule. It was supposed to start January 2021.
117-127 Broadway
36 and 33 storey residential condo towers with an 8-storey podium and 2 levels of shared underground parking;
Excavation in progress;
Through our the RRA’s consultation with the developer and the office of Councillor Matlow, we were able to get the developer to commit to staging on their own property and not take up any part of the street (small but significant victory).
100, 110 – 120 Broadway
3 towers; residential, retail and office space; 36 storey tower – rental; 2 condo buildings; 21 & 33 storeys with 4-8 storey base;
Rental 412 suites; 751 units among 2 condo towers;
Went to LPAT and was approved; the RRA was not involved at this level;
We were asked to comment on the Construction Plan and again voiced our concern about the importance of staging on their own property;
Green space has been allocated on the site as city parkette. There is a problem with staging on property that will become a City park since the Parks Department is concerned about compacting the soil. We urged them to figure a way to use the space then fix the soil; this possibility is being considered.
55-65 Broadway
Set up as temporary emergency housing in April 2020 due to the pandemic
RRA worked with the City's SSHA (Support, Shelter and Housing Administration) to ensure there were adequate supports for residents;
RRA organized a drive for donations to residents;
The temporary shelter closed in September 2020;
The development will include two 39-floor towers (1 rental, 1 condo); reduced from the original 40+ story plan that RRA opposed at an OMB hearing;
The site is presently awaiting the final permits and demolition will begin shortly.
37 storeys; mixed use; retail and office space; 380 residential units - condos;
RRA participated in community consultations;
RRA objected to height; setback inadequate; lack of green space; ingress and egress on Roehampton is problematic;
Made slight changes but not adequate; has been submitted to the City's planning department.
2323 Yonge St.
37 storeys; mixed use; retail and office space; 380 residential units - condos;
RRA participated in community consultations;
RRA objected to height; setback inadequate; lack of green space; ingress and egress on Roehampton is problematic;
Made slight changes but not adequate; has been submitted to the City's planning department.
Canada Square
This Oxford Group project would encompass a full city block; Yonge to Duplex, Eglinton to Berwick; includes 5 towers (2700 units) and a community space within the block;
The developer has conducted many community consultations but has yet to address the major concerns expressed by the community including:
near absence of community services and facilities such as schools, daycares, community/recreation centre, social services, or cultural amenities;
insufficient on-site parkland dedication;
grossly insufficient emphasis on employment space relative to residential;
lack of environmental considerations with the complete destruction of all the structures on the site;
absence of a defining vision for a 21st century community, environmental, economic, and social hub of city-wide and national significance.
Several local community organizations (including the RRA) are working together to address these issues; these include: the Eglinton Park Residents’ Association (EPRA), the South Eglinton Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association (SERRA), the Stanley Knowles Housing Co-operative, the Oriole Park Association (OPA), the Berwick Condominium Corporation, the Quantum Owners and Residents Association (QuORA).
Here is a take on the latest activity on this development from Tess Kalinowski in the Toronto Star: 'Ridiculously massive' development at Yonge & Eglinton to get added public scrutiny
89 Roehampton
38-storey rental tower attached to existing building
RRA worked with developer to design a more streamlined building
Construction in full swing; we have had to call in the HUB Coordinator to enforce Construction Management protocols.
39-41 Roehampton
48-storey condo tower now in full construction mode;
RRA was involved in parts of Construction Management efforts and was consulted on the plans for a POPS (Privately-Owned Publicly Accessible Space);
Construction management is an ongoing concern for the RRA with the amount of disruption to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.