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eglintonTOday Complete Street Project

Here is a recent announcement from the City of Toronto regarding this project:

In 2014 City Council approved the Eglinton Connects Planning Study which articulated the long term vision for Eglinton Avenue following the introduction of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT. Eglinton Connects envisioned a complete street and was based on three integrated themes of Travelling Eglinton, Greening Eglinton and Building Eglinton.

The eglintonTOday Complete Street project is an interim strategy that will achieve elements of the Eglinton Connects Vision and aims to make travel on Eglinton Avenue safer, more inviting, and attractive for everyone. The project proposes to implement complete street features, including bikeways and public realm upgrades on Eglinton Avenue between Keele Street and Mount Pleasant Road, by reassigning the existing road space to accommodate vehicular traffic, parking, bikeways, seasonal patio extensions, art installations and other neighbourhood and cultural events.

Register for the upcoming virtual public meeting on June 22, 2022. Review public meeting presentation and complete survey before July 31, 2022. To receive project updates, subscribe to the project email.

This work is being coordinated with the Eglinton Crosstown  station design and construction currently being delivered by Metrolinx.

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Neil Jacoby
Neil Jacoby

I received a document in the mail from the Ontario Land Tribunal stating that a Case Management Conference will be held on January 24. The video conference is dealing with an appeal related to zoning by-law 595-2022. Can you explain what this is about?

Thanks, Neil

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